All Photography by Steve DiBartolomeo
Celeste Lagrange as Overworld Eurydice, Luka Salib as Orpheus, Izzy Pedego (shadow) as Underworld Eurydice
Seg Fault as Father
Celeste Lagrange as Eurydice, Luka Salib as Orpheus
Celeste Lagrange as Overworld Eurydice, Luka Salib as Orpheus, Izzy Pedego (shadow) as Underworld Eurydice
Celeste Lagrange as Overworld Eurydice
Angus Leslie as the Nasty Interesting Man/Lord of the Underworld, Izzy Pedego (shadow) as Underworld Eurydice
Angus Leslie as Nasty Interesting Man/Lord of the Underworld, Luka Salib as Orpheus
Angus Leslie as Nasty Interesting Man/ Lord of the Underworld, Celeste Lagrange as Overworld Eurydice
Celeste Lagrange as Overworld Eurydice, Angus Leslie as Nasty Interesting Man/ Lord of the Underworld
Izzy Pedego as Underworld Eurydice, Ella Currie as Small Stone, Kevin Bachelor as Big Stone, Stephanie Aguiar and Angela Rangel as Loud Stone
Celeste Lagrange as Overworld Eurydice, Angus Leslie as Nasty Interesting Man/ Lord of the Underworld
Stephanie Aguiar and Angela Rangel as Loud Stone
Iszzy Pedego as Underworld Eurydice, Seg Fault as Father, Ella Currie as Small Stone
Luka Salib as Orpheus
Angus Leslie as Nasty Interesting Man/Lord of the Underworld
Seg Fault as Father, Izzy Pedego as Underworld Eurydice
Seg Fault as Father, Izzy Pedego as Underworld Eurydice
Luka Salib as Orpheus, Angus Leslie as Nasty Interesting Man/ Lord of the Underworld, Ella Currie as Small Stone, Kevin Bachelor as Big Stone
Angus Leslie as Nasty Interesting Man/Lord of the Underworld, Luka Salib as Orpheus
Izzy Pedego as Underworld Eurydice, Ella Currie as Small Stone, Stephanie Aguiar and Angela Rangel as Loud Stone, Kevin Bachelor as Big Stone
Luka Salib as Orpheus, Izzy Pedego as Underworld Eurydice
Luka Salib as Orpheus, Izzy Pedego as Underworld Eurydice, Ella Currie as Small Stone, Stephanie Aguiar as Loud Stone, Kevin Bachelor as Big Stone
Luka Salib as Orpheus, Izzy Pedego as Underworld Eurydice, Celeste Lagrange (shadow) as Overworld Eurydice, Stephanie Aguiar and Angela Rangel as Loud Stone, Ella Currie as Small Stone, Kevin Bachelor as Big Stone
Luka Salib as Orpheus, Angus Leslie as Nasty Interesting Man/Lord of the Underworld
Izzy Pedego as Underworld Eurydice, Angela Rangel, and Stephanie Aguiar as Loud Stone, Ella Currie as Small Stone, Kevin Bachelor as Big Stone, Seg Fault as Father
Izzy Pedego as Underworld Eurydice, Seg Fault as Father
Izzy Pedego sa Underworld Eurydice, Angus Leslie as Nasty Interesting Man/Lord of the Underworld, Kevin Bachelor as Big Stone, Ella Currie as Loud Stone, Stephanie Aguiar and Angela Rangel as Loud Stone
Celeste Lagrange as Overworld Eurydice, Luka Salib as Oprheus